written on the first day of my quit and originally posted on november 19, 2001; it's all about choice.

today, i choose life!

2009 January 1

yesterday, i chose to be a slave to a disgusting, filthy, self-destructive addiction.

today, i choose freedom!

yesterday, i chose to be controlled by that addiction.

today, i choose self-control!

yesterday, i chose disease and sickness, because it was easier to remain a slave to my addiction than it was to break free.

today, i choose health!

yesterday, i chose weakness, because if i was too weak to break the chains of my addiction, no one could blame me for remaining bound.

today, i choose strength!

yesterday, i chose to suck multiple poisonous substances into my already severely damaged lungs because i "needed" one of those poisons to feed my addiction.

today, i choose not to smoke!

yesterday, i chose death.

today, i choose life!

kevin - day one (putting one foot in front of the other)

6 responses leave one →
  1. 2003 March 1
    Bob permalink

    This is a great place Kevin! Today is my yesterday and tomorrow is my today. Tomorrow is my quit day. I'm going to keep coming back until I'm sure I've kicked this deadly habit. On 2-25-02 I had my last drink, which is why I chose the 25th for quitting cigarettes, per my daughter's suggestion. I've told all of my kids and all friends and relatives so that the pressure to succeed will be there.

  2. 2004 July 22
    Barbara permalink

    Tomorrow is the day I choose life! I am printing this list and posting copies everywhere I go - in my kitchen, on my bathroom mirror, in my study and at work and carry it in my wallet. Thank you for the wonderful motivations.

  3. 2005 January 20
    JoyMck permalink

    I too have printed this out. My quit date is 1/27/05. I will keep this handy, so I can read it whenever I have a weak moment.

  4. 2005 November 16
    Cindy permalink

    this is going on the frig... so i can read it when i have weak moments... thanks so much for having this available

  5. 2008 May 13
    butternut permalink

    Thank you for this!!!!!!!

  6. 2009 January 1

    note: the comments above were left on the original tale at the date and time indicated.

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  1. The Power of Choice | How To Quit Smoking | Quit by Choice

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