shouldn’t it be easier by now?
try to avoid having expectations; expectations are just disappointments waiting to hatch.
accept that there are things you have no control over (like when it's going to get easier) and let them go; you can't nail jello to a tree.
hopes that "this should get easier by [insert date or time expectation here]" can turn into disappointment that it didn't get easier by [date or time] can turn into "oh, hell, what's the use?" really easily.
and that can lead to relapse in a heartbeat.
the one thing that you can count on when you quit is that the quit is going to be exactly what it is at any given moment.
instead of setting yourself up for disappointment with expectations, try to accept whatever you get, the good, the bad, and the ugly, and let it pass. because it will pass.
and don't forget to notice the good things that are happening for you, no matter how small (e.g., you can breathe easier, or you're not as short of breath, or food tastes better): concentrate on what you want, rather than what you don't want.
and, just as importantly, accept that there are things you have no control over (like when it's going to get easier) and let them go; you can't nail jello to a tree.